Saturday, April 11, 2009

Meeting Wyatt

Wyatt Aaron Hoffart joined the world on Thursday, April 9th at 6:40 am weighing in at 7lbs 3.5 oz and 20" long. We are so excited for Emily and Jacob - he is such a sweet baby.

Moments after he was born

We actually went up to the hospital on Wednesday night hoping we might get to meet him but he had a mind of his own so we got to meet him Saturday. Hayden LOVED getting to hold him. We were there for about an hour and Mark and I only got to hold him for a few minutes each - Hayden had him the rest of the time. I am sure he was thinking about all the fun boy things he can teach him.

Hayden and Wyatt
Such a sweet picture
Wyatt and G.U.M (Great Uncle Mark)

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