Saturday, April 11, 2009

Meeting Wyatt

Wyatt Aaron Hoffart joined the world on Thursday, April 9th at 6:40 am weighing in at 7lbs 3.5 oz and 20" long. We are so excited for Emily and Jacob - he is such a sweet baby.

Moments after he was born

We actually went up to the hospital on Wednesday night hoping we might get to meet him but he had a mind of his own so we got to meet him Saturday. Hayden LOVED getting to hold him. We were there for about an hour and Mark and I only got to hold him for a few minutes each - Hayden had him the rest of the time. I am sure he was thinking about all the fun boy things he can teach him.

Hayden and Wyatt
Such a sweet picture
Wyatt and G.U.M (Great Uncle Mark)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Another fun tradition - egg dying

Every year we have a big time dying Easter Eggs and this year was no different. It was really fun because both kiddos got in on all the fun :) Mom bought a fun paint kit for the kiddos to use and they put it to good use. Hayden really liked the idea of 'painting' his eggs and Riley really liked the idea of making a BIG mess!! But when they were all done the eggs came out super cute.

Hayden getting ready for all the fun

Showing Riley how it is done

Serious painter

This dude cracks me up

Riley was serious too

A serious MESS!!!

Ok, back to painting eggs

Much better...

I guess she thought it was more fun to paint her fingers!!!

Beautiful works of art if you ask me

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Parties

Today both the kiddos had their Easter Egg hunts at school.

Hayden was up first and I think this was one of the most chaotic egg hunts I have ever been to. Right before they "released" the kids they started chanting "We want eggs, We want eggs!" It was comical. Hayden was so funny he ran all over the field but kept counting to make sure he didn't go past his 12 - such a serious egg hunter.

All ready for the hunt...

It's like a "Where's Hayden" picutre -

Hayden and his buddy Alex

Then it was onto Riley's parade and hunt later in the day. She was not to sure about the parade or the egg hunt but after Hayden showed her what egg hunting was all about she quickly got in on the action.
Looking pretty for the parade
Showing off her egg
Very excited about seeing what is inside all the eggs :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Canton aka Girls Trip

Well I had so much fun the past few days up in Canton. We stayed at a gorgeous house - hosted by the sweetest girl you will ever meet, Cass I can't thank you enough for having us. We had an absolute blast shopping, getting toe rings and our toes painted. I can say however after day two my feet were ready for a little relief from all the fun :) We all got some of the cutest stuff for our houses and kiddos - I can't wait to go again. Thanks for a great weekend girls...

The girls - ready for day 1 - including the best 22 mth old shopper Drea!!

We were rockin' some crazy toe designs